Modifier la position de la fenêtre Target/Interaction
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Modifier la position de la fenêtre Target/Interaction
Attention ça ne fonctionne qu'avec les résolutions 16:9, sinon c'est hors écran
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Dans, il est expliqué que
; Creates a window gadget
Function GY_CreateWindow(Title$, X#, Y#, Width#, Height#, HasTitle = True, Close = True, Min = True, Tex = 0, AutoFreeTex = True)
; Updates the display for the character interaction window
Function CreateCharInteractionWindow(AI.ActorInstance)
Name$ = AI\Name$
If Trim$(Name$) = "" Then Name$ = AI\Actor\Race$
WCharInteract = GY_CreateWindow(Name$, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.15, True, True, False, LoadTexture("Data\Textures\GUI\PartyBG.png"))
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Function CreateCharInteractionWindow(AI.ActorInstance)
Name$ = AI\Name$
If Trim$(Name$) = "" Then Name$ = AI\Actor\Race$
WCharInteract = GY_CreateWindow(Name$, 0.89, 0.03, 0.27, 0.15, True, True, False, LoadTexture("Data\Textures\GUI\PartyBG.png"))
GY_CreateLabel(WCharInteract, 0.05, 0.1, AttributeNames$(HealthStat) + ":")
Dans, il est expliqué que
; Creates a window gadget
Function GY_CreateWindow(Title$, X#, Y#, Width#, Height#, HasTitle = True, Close = True, Min = True, Tex = 0, AutoFreeTex = True)
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